A Patient Reward

Growing our own food is a tedious effort that is not for the faint of heart.  But the rewards can be unparalleled!  I feel like we have planted more "leftover" pineapple heads that I care to count, and just when I was giving up hope of ever seeing a fruit before grandchildren come to visit (our kids our 10 and 12 right now, haha) - Hope Springs!  We have a little budding pine coming through.  Woot woot!

Gordon still has to temper my lack of patience as I constantly check those guavas that seem to be stuck at the same size for weeks now, but thankfully we have a pile of things happening that we can find action happening at some point, somewhere even if some things take longer than others. 

Another example of a loooong wait that I had given up on is our citrus tree.  This tree has existed for over 3 years (it was with the house when we bought it), but never once in three years have we seen even a flower or attempt from the tree to produce fruit.  I've actually been begging Gordon to cut the thing down and replant something productive in its place.  Alas - the other morning Gordon spotted one lonely fruit at the very top to the tree!  Unbelievable!  

I am dying to see what kind of citrus it is, and hopefully when the fruit is ready it won't fall into our neighbor's yard!  But even moreso, I hope that this is only the first of many fruits to come!  :D  

In the end, with all the ups and downs, the journey is worth it!

Glad that you're on it with us! :)

Gordon Alert